
Mesoamerican and South American Mythologies: Maya, Aztec, Inca

The South Americans

What are some South American apocalyptic and flood myths?

There is an apocalyptic theme in South American mythology. There are those who believe that the world will end in fire; others believe in a great deluge. Both ends are seen as punishment by the gods for the evils of humanity, especially the failure of the people to follow the instructions of the culture hero. The Yaghan of the Cape Horn area argue that the moon caused a great flood because humans had learned more than they should have about female “mysteries.” A male and female pair always manages to escape the apocalypse so that the world can go on. The Canari of Ecuador tell of two boys who avoided the flood and were led by two parrots, which turned into girls. The boys and the girls got together to create a new race of people, the Canari.


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