
What is a country's culture?

A culture is made up of many complex parts of the country its traditions, beliefs, art, music, clothing, food, holidays, languages, family and marriage rules or laws, games, folktales, and mythology. Culture is “the way of life” of a country or society, and these ways of living togetherincluding value systems, traditions, and beliefsare passed down from generation to generation. While all cultures have universal traits, different cultures have developed their own specific ways of expressing them. For example, people around the world are similar in that we communicate with each other, live by eating food and drinking water, and dream when we sleep. Yet we speak different languages, eat different foods, and dream different dreams. Anthropologists (people that research different cultures and how they develop) say that culture is made up of at least three parts: what people think, what they do, and the products they produce. In complex cultures such as the United States, culture is what knits us together as human beings living in one country, but also separates us into our different ethnic communities.


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