
Is it true that hundreds of wild things live in oak trees?

Oak treeswith their broad leaves that provide shelter and shadeprovide a home for more than 300 species of insects, birds, and mammals. Their bark is crawling with a wide variety of insects, including ants, ladybugs, weevils, wasps, oakworms, caterpillars, and moths. Blue jays, hummingbirds, magpies, finches, sparrows, wrens, and woodpeckers feed off of the insect life and make their nests in the branches. The oak's acorns are an important food source for mice, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, bears, foxes, quails, blue jays, crows, and turkeys. Oaks can live more than 200 years; by the time they are 70 years old they produce thousands of acorns per year.


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