How can I manage my stress?Stress usually comes from a combination of your schedule and schoolwork. Notice whether your schedule allows you enough time to get all your schoolwork done or whether you need to budget your time better to accomplish all your assignments. If finding time to get your schoolwork done seems almost impossible, plan to find a quiet place (like a library or study hall) to spend the first hour or two after school to do your homework. If scheduling is not the problem and the schoolwork is too difficult for you, plan to spend the first few hours after school in your teacher’s classroom, at study hall, or in a tutoring program to get the help you need. Avoiding budgeting your time or asking for help may be unnecessarily increasing your stress level at school. And, if you have trouble discerning what kind of help you need, ask your parents and teacher to help you decide where your stress is coming from.Three of the easiest and best ways to deal with stress are to get plenty of exercise, eat a good breakfast every day, and get lots of sleep (7 to 10 hours per night, depending upon your age). It is also important to stay away from caffeine and sugar, because they do not help your body manage stress in the long term. Stress experts say it’s also important to have practical expectations about school, make to-do lists when necessary, and take creative study breaks, such as going rollerblading or biking. Do not make grades the most important—or only—thing in your life. It is important to have friends and find hobbies and activities that you like. If you feel overwhelmed, remember to talk to friends, a parent, a teacher, or your guidance counselor about what’s going on in your school life. Often, there are several ways to juggle assignments, extend deadlines, or work together as a team to get a project done. |
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